Root ZX II Apex Locator

Price:$1,019.00 ea.

Item Number: JM-5336392

Manufacturer: Morita

Mfg. Number: 24-5336392


Root ZX II Canal Measurement Module includes: Probe (1), File Holders (3), Contrary Electrodes (Lip Clips  5), Tester and AA Batteries (3)

Root ZX II Canal Measurement Module includes: Probe (1), File Holders (3), Contrary Electrodes (Lip Clips  5), Tester and AA Batteries (3)

Recently updated, the worlds best selling apex locator offers a new PC board, utilizing superior technology, produces unmatched clinical accuracy rates, larger screen and Additionally the RootZX II can now easily be upgraded to a low speed handpiece


Root ZX II Canal Measurement Module includes: Probe (1), File Holders (3), Contrary Electrodes (Lip Clips  5), Tester and AA Batteries (3)